Eric Busboom, 7 Nov 2017
In preparation for the SCALE and Open San Diego Crime ANalysis Presentation, I downloaded the data package for the presentation and started on the analysis a bit early.
The presentation will use the San Diego Police 2015 calls for service, but the data repository has 2016 and 2017 as well. The seperate files for each of the three years are converted into a data package on our repository, and I also created Metapack packages for the boundary files for beats, neighborhoods and districts. Merging in these boundary files allows for analysing crime counts by geography. Here are the packages:
This notebook requires the metapack package for downloading URLS, which you should be able to install, on Python 3.5 or later, with pip install metapack
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import metapack as mp
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
The Metapack system allows for packaging data, long with all of the metadata, and the open_package
function can be used to load packages off the web. The the URL below is to a CSV package, which just referrs to CSV files on the web. You can get the link by to the CSV package file from the resource for
in the SRDRL data library repository page for the package
In [2]:
regions = mp.open_package('')
After opening packages, we can ask the package for what resources it has, download those resources, and turn them into Pandas dataframes.
In [3]:
calls_p = mp.open_package('')
In [4]:
calls_r = calls_p.resource('pd_calls')
In [5]:
call_type_r = calls_p.resource('call_type')
call_types = call_type_r.dataframe().rename(columns={'description':'call_type_desc'})
In [6]:
regions_r = regions.resource('pd_beats')
In [7]:
# The[:-116.8,:] bit indexes the bounding box to exclude the empty portion of the
# county. San Diego owns the footprint of a dam in east county, which displays as a tiny
# dot in the middle of empty space.
# Note that this isn't actually defininf the bounding box; it's cutting out far-east regions,
# and then GeoPandas creates the smaller bounding box that excludes them. So, the actually
# value in the cx indexder can vary a bit.
# Converting to float makes merging with the calls df ewasier, since the beat column
# in that df has nans.
beats = regions_r.dataframe().geo
beats['beat'] = beats.beat.astype(float)
beats = beats.set_index('beat').cx[:-116.55,:]
There are a lot of interesting patterns in crime data when you create heat maps of two time dimensions, a visualization called a "Rhythm Map". We'll add the time dimensions now for use later.
In [8]:
pd_calls = calls_r.read_csv(low_memory=False)
def augment_time(df):
df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.date_time)
df['hour'] = df.date_time.dt.hour
df['month'] = df.date_time.dt.month
df['year'] = df.date_time.dt.year
df['dayofweek'] = df.date_time.dt.dayofweek
df['weekofyear'] = df.date_time.dt.weekofyear
df['weekofdata'] = (df.year-df.year.min())*52+df.date_time.dt.weekofyear
df['monthofdata'] = (df.year-df.year.min())*12+df.date_time.dt.month
return df
assert pd_calls.call_type.dtype == call_types.call_type.dtype
pd_calls = augment_time(pd_calls).merge(call_types, on='call_type')
pd_calls['beat'] = pd_calls.beat.astype(float)
pd_calls = pd_calls.merge(beats.reset_index()[['beat', 'name']], on='beat')\
In [9]:
def plot_geo(df, color_col, title=None):
# Need to get aspect right or it looks wacky
bb = beats.total_bounds
aspect = (bb[3] - bb[1])/ (bb[2]-bb[0])
x_dim = 8
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (x_dim,x_dim*aspect))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
df.plot(ax=ax,column=color_col, cmap='RdYlGn_r',
scheme='fisher_jenks', legend=True);
if title:
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18);
leg = ax.get_legend()
#leg.set_bbox_to_anchor((0., 1.02, 1., .102))
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
_ = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd_calls.groupby('beat').incident_num.count().to_frame()\
plot_geo(_, 'incident_num', 'Incidents Per Beat, 2015 to Aug 2017')
In [10]:
In [11]:
_ = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd_calls[pd_calls.call_type_desc == 'LOUD PARTY']
plot_geo(_, 'incident_num', "LOUD PARTY calls, 2015 to Aug 2017")
In [12]:
_ = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd_calls[pd_calls.call_type_desc == 'ILLEGAL PARKING']
plot_geo(_, 'incident_num', "ILLEGAL PARKING calls, 2015 to Aug 2017")
In [13]:
_ = pd_calls[pd_calls.call_type_desc == 'BATTERY']\
plot_geo(gpd.GeoDataFrame(_), 'incident_num', "BATTERY calls, 2015 to Aug 2017")
Sometimes, very high density areas like PB and Downtown will obscure patterns in other areas. One of the ways to handle this is to just exclude those areas. First, let's locate which are the highest crime area.
In [14]:
_.sort_values('incident_num', ascending=False).head(10)
Here is the map excluding the top 5 high crime areas. The excluded areas are omitted completely, shown in white.
In [15]:
# Could also get the beats by name.
pb_beat = beats['PACIFIC BEACH'].index.values[0]
gas_beat = beats['GASLAMP'].index.values[0]
low_crime = _.sort_values('incident_num', ascending=False).iloc[5:]
_lc = _.loc[list(low_crime.index.values)]
plot_geo(gpd.GeoDataFrame(_lc), 'incident_num',
"BATTERY calls, 2015 to Aug 2017, Lower Crime Areas")
In [16]:
_ = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd_calls[pd_calls.call_type_desc == 'BATTERY']
plot_geo(_, 'incident_num', "BATTERY calls, 2015 to Nov 2017")
In [17]:
_ = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd_calls[pd_calls.call_type_desc == 'MENTAL CASE']
plot_geo(_, 'incident_num', "MENTAL CASE calls, 2015 to Aug 2017")
By plotting two time dimensions in a heat map we can often see interesting patterns.
Here we'll look at the rhythm of parties in Pacific Beach, plotting the number of party calls as colors in a maps with an X axis of the day of the week, and a Y axis of the hour of the day. As you'd expect, the LOUD PARTY calls are primarily on Friday and Saturday nights.
In [18]:
pb_beat = beats['PACIFIC BEACH'].index.values[0]
_ = pd_calls[(pd_calls.call_type_desc=='LOUD PARTY') & (pd_calls.beat == pb_beat)]
ht = pd.pivot_table(data=_,
values='incident_num', index=['hour'],columns=['dayofweek'],
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
sns.heatmap(ht, ax=ax);
Looking at the hour of day versus month, there is a clear seasonal pattern, with fewer loud party calls during the winter.
In [19]:
pb_beat = beats['PACIFIC BEACH'].index.values[0]
_ = pd_calls[(pd_calls.call_type_desc=='LOUD PARTY') & (pd_calls.beat == pb_beat)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig.suptitle("LOUD PARTY Calls In Pacific Beach\n2015 to Aug 2017\nBy Hour and Month", fontsize=18);
sns.heatmap(ht, ax=ax);
In [20]:
hm_beats = pd_calls[['beat_name', 'hour','month']].copy()
hm_beats['count'] = 1
hm_beats = hm_beats.groupby(['beat_name', 'hour','month']).count().reset_index()
Rhythm maps really shine when they are part of a small multiple grid, or in Seaborn terminology, a Facet Grid. These take a bit more work to setup, but they are really valuable for finding patterns.
Note how clearly you can see when students go back to school, and the July rowdiness in PB and MB.
But, the really interesting thing is that in many communities, most obviously in San Ysidro, Core-Columbia, Otay Mesa, and a few others, there are a high number of calls are 3:00 in the afternoon. Any ideas?
In [21]:
# Top 16 beats
top_beats= pd_calls.beat_name.value_counts().index.values[:16]
from IPython.display import display
# select only the rows for the top 16 beats
_ = hm_beats[hm_beats.beat_name.isin(top_beats)]
g = sns.FacetGrid(_, col="beat_name", col_wrap=4)
def facet_heatmap(data, color, **kwargs):
ht = data.pivot(index="hour", columns='month', values='count')
sns.heatmap(ht, cmap='Reds', **kwargs)
#cbar_ax = g.fig.add_axes([.92, .3, .02, .4]) # Create a colorbar axes
with sns.plotting_context(font_scale=3.5):
g = g.map_dataframe(facet_heatmap)
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
g.fig.suptitle("LOUD PARTY Calls By Month of Year, By Hour of Day, By Beat",
A KDE Plot can show similar information to a heat map, but with a very different algorithms ( See Kernel Density Esimators for more information ). This view of the San Ysidro map shows the 3:00 PM spike more clearly. You can also see the 5:00 AM lull, a lull that is present in every
In [45]:
_ = pd_calls[pd_calls.beat_name.isin(['SAN YSIDRO'])]
ax = sns.kdeplot(_.month, _.hour, shade=True)
In [ ]: